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Admission Arrangements

How are pupils admitted to Stanley School

Children may receive a place at Stanley School once they have an Education Health Care Plan. The Local Authority (LA) will have discussed all available options to you and you have a right to say which special school you want your child to go to. The LA will advise you on which special schools can meet the learning needs of your child. The LA must agree with your preference as long as:

  • The school you choose is suitable for your child’s age, ability, skills and special educational needs.
  • Your child’s attendance at your preferred school will not have a detrimental effect upon the education of other children already at that school.
  • Placing your child in that school will be an efficient use of the LA resources.
  • You may want your child to go to a school not run by the LA; a nonmaintained special school or an independent school. The LA will consider your wishes, but if there is a suitable state school within the LA they are unlikely to spend public money on another option.
  • Under the Children and Families Act, all schools will be required to admit pupils with Education, Health and Social Care Plans, where a particular school or setting is named.

Admissions to special schools are managed by the SEN team at Hamilton Building.

This team can be contacted via the Children and Young People’s Department, SEN Section, Cheshire Lines, Canning Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 1ND. Tel: 0151 666 4224. Or by clicking here.

For further information you can visit the local wirral offer here

If you have any queries or would like to talk to someone about the school please ring our Head Teacher Holly Barker on 0151 342 6741.

Stanley School, Greenbank Drive, Pensby, Wirral, CH61 5UE

0151 342 6741